Programming and Development in Wolfram Language
- Instructor Led
- 3 h
- Advanced
- 3 Certifications
Estimated Time: 3 h
Course Level: Advanced
Requirements: This course requires understanding of the fundamental concepts of Wolfram Language programming and their applications.
Certification Levels: CompletionLevel 1Level 2

Learn about advanced programming and development concepts in Wolfram Language. Dive deeper into the fundamentals of expression syntax and function definitions. Explore more complex ideas like upvalues, attributes, manual scoping and package creation. This course is the third and final part of the programming proficiency course sequence, following Programming Fundamentals and Practical Programming. This course is designed for users who want to take the next step toward mastery in Wolfram Language programming.
Featured Products & Technologies: Wolfram Language (available in Mathematica and Wolfram|One)
- Basic Concepts and Syntax: Dissect Wolfram Language expressions and work with them from the bottom up.
- Fundamentals of Coding in Wolfram Language: Make your code more effective, compact and efficient.
- Evaluation of Expressions and Scoping Constructs: Use pattern matching, function overloading, attributes and scoping constructs to their fullest extent.
- Data Structures: Structure your data optimally for access and exploration according to the needs of your project.
- Developing Packages: Create your own applications by extending the basic functionality of the language, bundling together code and resources into packages and paclets.
- Register Now
Thursday, March 27
1–4pm CDT, 6–9pm UTC/GMT| Online | FreeYour local time - Register Now
Tuesday, June 24
1–4pm CDT, 6–9pm UTC/GMT| Online | FreeYour local time
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Certifications Available
Completion Certificate
Certify your completion of this course by attending an online class and passing the quiz.
Level 1 Certification
This course provides excellent preparation for taking the Wolfram Language Level 1 certification exam.
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Submit an independent project to demonstrate your applied expertise in Wolfram Language programming
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